Monday, July 31, 2006

Two minutes

Every two minutes a child will die in the Congo.

Every day 1,250 people die in the silent war of Africa, that has taken more lives in a war since World War II. In a report released in July, Unicef described the death toll in Congo as a “tsunami of death every six months.” In all, nearly four million people have died as a result of the conflict since 1998, almost half of them children under the age of 5, according to the International Rescue Committee.

According to the article: "About 30,000 children have been forced into militias, while untold thousands of girls have been raped, according to the Unicef report. Children labor under toxic conditions in gold and diamond mines. Orphans choke the streets of Kinshasa, the capital, bedraggled platoons in Congo’s vast army of want. "

This is depressing to start out on a Monday, but i read this in the NY Times last night and I was heart broken. These children need our prayers.

1 comment:

celina said...

i am in waco until the beginning of sept.