Monday, July 17, 2006

Everything's not lost

This afternoon, I was on the phone with my friend Lisa. She was humming a Coldplay song that i had been singing today:

Me: Were you just singing Cold..
Lisa: Oh yeah, i played it all day long today
Me: So did I over and over, that same song!
Lisa: Yeah, crazy
Me: Wow
Lisa: Yeah....

I was a bit frustrated today with work and what is going on there. I am enjoying it, but there are days like everyone else, where I feel like i wonder if i am doing any good here. When you begin any work, or at least with me, i want that endeavor to be successful, i want to be a success. Duh, i sure don't want to fail at it. I, like many others fall into that trap of, I have to do so i can be something. I have to look this way in order to be seen as... you get the picture. In this town, i see how ambitious people are, how they are trying to scramble up to the top, this all consuming drive...and it makes me sad.

Then i was reminded of a conversation i had with a friend of mine back in H Town. I was taking him to the airport, and i started asking him about the year before when he had been so sick he almost died. In fact, we were praying for him fervently, but were starting to wonder if he was going to meet Jesus before any of us.. He has a condition that affects him in a way that at his worst, he couldn't move any part of his body, he couldn't talk, and he couldn't even breathe on his own.

I asked him on that ride to the airport how God encouraged him, expecting to hear something crazy, like God showing up in this huge vision comforting him, something huge...

"Nah, He didn't do that Jen."


But, God did remind my friend of one thing, just one thing: "You will always be more important to Me than what you do...."

Enough said..


Anonymous said...

I'm still listening to it.......I miss you dearly.


JD said...

i miss you too friend. cheer up, tomorrow is friday!!! i want to go see that new movie, "Lady in the Water" this weekend!

Anonymous said...

And God keeps saying the same things to me ever since. His love is the only sure thing I have.