Thursday, August 10, 2006

Two Eight Year Olds = 2700 Pennies and lots of heart

In our pile of donor letters we got this one today. This letter is one of the best things that's happened to me all week:

August 7th 2006

We asked our friends to go on a big penny hunt so that we could raise money for the suffering wives/children fund. In four weeks we found $27.00. It is from us (Ben and Jacob) and Joey, Sophie, Benny, Garrison, Willie and our moms friend Mrs. Gastin.

In Jesus Name,

Signed Ben and Jacob Almudevar, Age 8 (We're twins)

That's 2700 pennies found under couches, chairs, dad's pockets, and wherever else we found them when we were eight.


Devina said...

what great timing-
that image of kids searching for pennies will stick with me for a while

Anonymous said...

the simplicity of children. big dreams, easy way of achieving.

Anonymous said...

According to Dr. Tim Elmore of growing leaders, that's the difference between the Millenial generation and Gen X... The millenial generation, no matter how young they are, will do something about the problem. Gen X will just whine it about or write a sad song. Thank goodness for for hope in action.

JD said...

are'nt we Gen Xers? I don't won't be apart of the whining generations :) give me the eight year olds...