Thursday, August 10, 2006


a friend sent me this email in regards to my blog last night, which made me laugh out loud in the middle of Panera:

...And why did you let those MAC people get their hands on you? soon you will be given a new spiritual/cult other words, when can I come to your meetings.

no worries i will always go by Jen, even if i do convert...

this week has been a grey week, combined with all the uplifting world news, i need my friend joe or lisa (they are both hysterical) here so i can just laugh.

i will be going to africa soon: sept 12-22. i am real excited about being on the ground but not excited about how we get there. i hate flying. which is unfortunate considering the line of work i have chosen for myself. today i was watching the news and they were reporting that terrorists were planning to carry out another major attack on flights going towards the United States. "That's lovely", i thought to myself. If i go see a movie this weekend, it's definitely not going to be that new flick about 9/11: "World Trade Center".


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... New cult names? Can I have one?

And hey, no worries about flying soon. Not one drop of rain falls to the earth without it first passing through God's hands. I'm fairly certain that means that He can get you to Africa in one piece! :) tee hee

Anonymous said...

hmmm. . .pc people seem more cultish to me. . .narrow is the road to salvation, wide is the road to blue-screen-of-death. . .

JD said...

platter: you are so sold out man :) but with good reason