Friday, August 18, 2006

Today there will be thanksgiving for.....

1. How cool it was here this morning.

2. I have a roof over my head and food to eat every day.

3. Health Insurance!!!!!!

4. My elderly, lonley Greek neighbor Anthony who leaves me apples on my front porch and helped me weed my garden last Saturday.

4. Roomates that are not crazy.

5. Friends in Texas that are oh so faithful.

6. My kitchen table. It's such a good place to write, and drink coffee, and be.

7. A dad that calls up pretty frequently to see how "the car is running".

8. The World Wide Web. i do not remember what life was like before it

9. The beautiful park down the street from my house.

10. My work involves issues I am passionate about, and I get to write about them.

And God. He doesn't get a number because He's the Alpha AND the Omega. He is good to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love #7.