Monday, August 28, 2006

Six degrees of separation

My world on the internet (via this blog) feels at times a parallel universe from my real time world, but it seems that they do collide. i am suprised at how many people i know in one circle, in some way, form or fashion, know friends from another circle but for some reason i was completely unaware. Small world.

All you bloggers out there that i have referenced on my site, all you readers and posters out there. Houston friends and beyond. I wish we could all live in a big coldesac and have dinner on a Sunday evening sometime. That would be lovely.

For right now though, my blog will have to do.


Anonymous said...

I'd come for sure!!

Anonymous said...

screw the culdesac--invite me up for some ethiopian, dawg!

JD said...

platter, i thought you didn't like to venture out of the Eastern Market :) you are totally invited man but it will prolly have to wait untill after labor day and my much anticipated visit to houston!!!

Anonymous said...

i'll be in chi-ca-go. . .

JD said...

trey do you ever sleep?