The man looked down at me from where I was sitting at the lunch table, or rather he was carefully studying my left ring finger which indeed, has no ring on it. He suggested a huge church in Virginia, where there were a lot of singles. “Uh huh.” I replied. This man just came into our office and descended upon me and my chicken salad and started giving me advice in an indirect way about finding a husband.
Oh and this is not the first time in the last few months a conversation like this has occurred.
I was on the phone at work with a man who does ministry all over the world, and I wanted to partner with him on a project we are working on in North Africa. In our conversation there was mention of travels to North Africa in September. “Are you single??????” he asked, almost in a gasp. “In fact, I am,” I replied. He then asks me how old I am and in his most loving fatherly way mentioned that he will be praying for me.
For goodness gracious sakes.
Well, that’s a good thing, because I am sure that God is totally unaware of this fact and He is now scrambling around heaven trying desperately to figure how to “fix me”. We can all relax, because God has officially now been notified.
I have never written about this subject before on my blog, and don’t get used to it, because I probably will not again. I don’t think I have even written about it privately in great abundance. But it seems to be a hot topic lately, especially when people are talking to me.
So here goes. Singleness: Do we just live with it, or is it a good place to live?
I believe that God knows what He is doing. More than that, I believe He is confident that He is doing a bang up job with things, including how my life is turning out. So, I’m doing my best in not always questioning Him on why He has chosen a different path for me, when the majority of my friends are married and are on their second or dare I say it third kid.
Our nature wants to compare, and I see my friends and I wonder if and when I will get to that stage in life. Maybe never. There is a part of me that considers the idea of never having a family. Yeah, my heart hurts a bit at the thought of not having children, but then I also see all the incredible opportunities I have experienced that would not have happened if I was having to think of someone else.
I spent the first year of this century in Southern China. I have had some of the greatest people around as roommates, and have learned amazing things from each one of them. I have taken more walks with God down Wilton street in Houston than anyone should ever have the privilege of experiencing. When I lived by myself in a small, yellow garage apartment near Rice U, my time with the Lord was so rich, that I couldn’t wait to get off work so I could go home and just hang out. I would never trade those years. Not for all the tea in China or a guy that closely resembles Joaquin Phoenix. Nope, sorry not even for Joaquin Phoenix.
To live is Christ is it not? My life is not my own. My desire is to live in my own skin, in whatever circumstance He sends my way and embody the fullest joy possible. I am definitely not saying I am always successful. I am also not saying that I do not desire marriage, because I certainly do. But I love my life right now, and I do not want to have the perspective of "surviving" the seasons of singleness like it was a disease that someday if I’m real good I will be cured…
Today this is what He has for me, and today it is a good place to live.