Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's called the Good Ugly

A good ugly cry. That's what happened to me the other day.

What makes a good, ugly cry, truely good and ugly is not simply that you are red faced, tears streaming down, not able to calm down, but in fact that it happens in front of a group of people.

And there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

I mean we are talking, I can't stop the tears from coming. It was a deluge, they could have called for a Flash Flood Warning.

There are techniques to keep emotions at bay. There are ways to stop the madness. Slow measured breathing, focus on something else. But no, not that day. Nothing was going to stop those cursed tears from coming!!

The people that I was with tried to pretend that it wasn't happening which now in retrospect strikes me as funny. How can you pretend that someone is not hyperventilating next to you?

I was thinking today how embarrassed I was at the good ugly. What is so wrong with being emotional, or letting yourself being vulnerable in front of others? Sometimes I hate that my heart is so visibly bleeding on my sleeve, but what can you do? Always have a stash of kleenex nearby that's what....


rh said...

I've seen that happen before. It's very disconcerting. Maybe the people around just had no clue what to do so they tried to ignore it.

Anonymous said...

I agree. We're waaaay too stoic as a culture. Emotions are healthy things to air.