Friday, November 10, 2006

Changing of the guard

This week there was the changing of the guard (The House and Senate are now controlled by the Democrats).....

and much more importantly the change of the Starbucks to - go cup to indicate the holiday season is officially here.

My question to you is which "change" could you have done without???


Anonymous said...

definitely starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Strangely enough... I can't believe I'm saying this, but hopefully both will turn out for the best.

Anonymous said...

yeah - the change the starbucks cup was a little soon. they could have waited until after thanksgiving.

the other change makes me smile...

JD said...


i met with two dems from the senate today about sudan. both really care about africa so it looks hopeful. we'll see what happens as they become the majority

JD said...

BTW: I don't know how much better it will be in the world for the majority to be with the democrats, but i have to say that with the countless scandals in the GOP they sure had it coming.

Anonymous said...

Lacy says God was cleaning house with the scandals being exposed. I say, what about Dem scandals? All in due time, I suppose. Dr. Dobson came down hard on the Rep for not doing enough, kinda letting it go with that apathetic attitude. Reminds me of alot of Christians: not taking the time to make the connection with the Lord and just sitting back and thinking, I'm good, I don't need to do anymore.

BTW, I'll call you on Friday b/c I'll be in town. When I'm out in NM, there's no cell phone. Even sometimes while I'm in town too. I've been missing ya'.

JD said...

A'ndrea - girl, you move all the way back to texas, yet you end up living in new mexico!!! what gives!!!!