Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Listening to: Fernando Ortega

Good things happened yesterday:

1. I balanced our teams finances from our trip to Morocco and Egypt. I was two dollars off!!!

2. I drove my friend Jeremy to the metro after work and we had a great conversation about church. Jeremy is very wise for his years.

3. I met two new girls last night at a small group that I liked immediately. I haven't been to a small group in a long time, and really enjoyed it.

4. On the way home on the train last night, three guys came on and sang some good old fashioned gospel. The twenty five minute ride flew by.


Anonymous said...

number 3 makes me especially happy.

Anonymous said...

I ran 8-400 meter sprints today with Katie. She is still impressing me!!! Talk to you later sis. I am praying for you by the way.
Love ya.

JD said...

ash - yeah, i'm so ready to have friends here. i mean it's starting to happen, but not as fast as i would hope.

matt: did katie beat you??? love you too.

Anonymous said...

i especially like #4 - you just never know what can happen on public transportation!

JD said...

lauren- that is #1 reason why i love living in d.c. all the fringe benefits of the dc metro system!

Fayaway_Lover said...
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Anonymous said...

We were running sprints, so I kept up, but I am thinking when we run the 5k she might take me out!!! I am ok with that.

JD said...

matt - call me man and give me the newest details.

Anonymous said...

Matthew you better not lose to some girl. Dad

Anonymous said...

Nice - all the DiMaggio men on my blog. Remember how the boy ran around a baseball diamond??? That's all i'm gonna say about that.