Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Some just call it Houston...I like to call it home

This weekend was perfect. Beautiful weather and spending time with my family in Houston...

There were long walks in my old neighborhood.

I got to hang out with ciani, a little girl from my church who i love like she was my own:

There was coffee with old friends

And I ran into friends with really cute babies...

And friends who make me laugh!!!

I spent nearly seven years in Houston Texas. I moved six times, and I lived with five different people. I even had a garage apt. to myself once which i really miss sometimes.
Oh yeah - don't let this sappy talk of mine mislead you. I hated it at first. I mean HATED with a passion, HATED Houston. I wanted to run away from this place, not to mention all the junk that was slowly being rooted out of my life. Now i feel like it's the only home I have in this world, even though i'm not living there anymore. And because I stayed, I made friends with some of the truest people i have ever had the privelage of knowing.

So here's to H Town..... it is way over it's quota for amazing people.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so, you're gonna move your office to H-town, right??? :)