Saturday, December 16, 2006

We're on a budget plan

The lovely Jadine Johnson (my roomie) is in charge of electricity and I am in charge of the gas bill.

Roomate Jadine: Look at our electric bill, it is way down this month, see...

Me: Oh wow, that's great because i might have to cut one of my arms off to pay for the gas bill this month.

Roomate Jadine: But we still have to pay XX because we're on that budget plan.

Me: We have to pay XX? How is that possible?

Roomate Jadine: Uh...because we're on a budget plan?

Me: (Laughter)

Roomate Jadine: (Laughing now at me)

Me: I'm posting this conversation

Roomate Jadine: Don't post about our conversation

Me: Oh yeah it's definitely going on the internet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen, you are soo funny! but, you left out this part of the conversation:
Jadine Roommate: Well, if you post this conversation, will you clean my room and do my laundry for a week?
Jen: Of course. I'll do it for two! :-)