Friday, December 08, 2006


One of the things I admire most about my father is that he is man with a teachable heart.

I would say that many have an attitude, especially in the church of "you can't teach me anything new", or an intellectual pride in what they know. And....the people that are puffed up in their own knowledge usually do not see it.

Months ago, when I was in Houston, I was having a conversation with a friend about church, and my friend remarked to me, "I have heard every sermon there ever was - pastors out there have nothing new to offer me." The comment saddened me a little - because it sort of closes the door of your heart to receive anything new or fresh.

I have to confess that I can be prideful in what I know, or what I think I know. I have to pray, as the scriptures say, "that the eyes of my heart would be enlightened" to the words and the wisdom of all those around me. To the words of my pastor, to my roomates, to the next door neighbor. God can and in fact will use anyone or anything to speak to me.

I do not want to miss out on what He has to say.

My father is one that never wants to stop learning and the things of God are no exception. He finds himself approaching his 60th year and knows he has more to learn. I think of him and remember Jesus' words to the people, "that whoever humbles himself as a little child...he is the greatest in the Kingdom of God."


Unknown said...

Jen, that's really cool.

Devina said...

I was thinking on similar lines this morning...In one of my conversations, I was even reminded that "knowledge puffs up but love builds up"
and...I wrote today- 2 Sundays in a row!

JD said...

Ash - i love you friend and i have been especially thankful for our quick phone calls lately.

devina devine!! i've missed you! i will try to call soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if I ever think I know everything please smack me. Thanks!