Monday, December 04, 2006

Here comes the sun

But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.
Pr 4:18


AB said...

awesome pic, where'd you take it? i miss you too. i've been in tokyo again last week...when are you going to swing by h-town again?

JD said...

adina - i will be in town at the end of dec - will you be there or with the fam?

Unknown said... do do do.

you've got me singing!

Anonymous said...

LOL! which part the coming to houston part or my email? :) love you girl.

AB said...

i'll leave for the fam the 22 but return to h-town the night of the 26...will we overlap?

JD said...

i come in the 27th or 28th and leave the 3rd ;)

are you still in Tokyo????

my friend, we have alot to catch up on...